Ecomuseum Casentino
The antennas
The Ecomseum of Casentino, as it was originally designed, is structured in six thematic macroareas (archeological, castle-related civilisation, water, forest, agro-pastoral, manufacturing systems), enabling visitors to go through the dynamics of the man-environment relationship through time and space.
Each system consists of a series of thematic “antennas” with specific roles and features that suggest diversified timing, spaces and exploration means. This theme-related approach is now giving way to an interpretation focused on the typological specifications that have emerged over the last few years (museums, learning centres, collections, ecomuseums, etc…). Gathering, documenting, keeping, interpreting, comparing, communicating, and teaching are among the tasks accomplished by the above facilities that contribute all to fulfilling the same mission: to protect and safeguard the territory’s heritage in all its environmental historical/cultural, productive and ethnographic components. Through a webapp of the Casentino Ecomuseum, an interactive map has been created to allow users to georeference and be updated on the activities and events being held in the Casentino.
Name of the Ecomuseum: Ecomuseo del Casentino
Geographical location: Italy, Tuscany region, province of Arezzo
Year of stablishment: 2013
Network: Network of Tuscany’s ecomuseums of regional relevance