Ecomuseum Of Vanoi

Ecomuseum Of Vanoi

The voice of things

The project has been carried out in the Vanoi valley, within a programme for the collection and organisation of the tangible heritage of the area, launched in 1999. The Valley actually has significant ethnographic collections including over 6,000 household items and working tools from the past:

  • the Asche Collection, gathered by Roswita Asche since the end of the 1990s, which includes about 4,000 items;
  • Caoria’s Arts and Crafts Collection, organised and exhibited by the Alpine Group, contains about 200 items;
  • the collection of objects and materials carried out by the Ecomuseum that has led, in 15 years, to the assembly of about 1,200 pieces;
  • different private collections (at least 5 currently known) resulting from “spontaneous museification”, i.e. collection and exhibition of household items and artifacts of everyday life in private places (cellars, rooms, barns, gardens).

In addition to rare and everyday obejcts, working equipment and tools, there are within the Valley a number of rural buildings and infrastructures reflecting the community’s knowledge base, business environment, and the operational context of ethnographic objects.

The project:

  • preserves this heritage (public and private ethnographic collections)
  • collects data on single objects or items (to preserve stories and tales, keep memories, retrieve sources and documents)
  • develops communication methods and restitution narrative of history and memory (objects and tales will form the basis to design exhibitions, teaching labs, public meetings, visits and excursions).



Name of the Ecomuseum: Ecomuseo del Vanoi

Geographical location: Italy, Trentino Alto Adige region, province of Trento

Year of establishment: 1999

Network: Network of Trentino’s ecomuseums
